Tooth ExtractionsThe Benefits of Tooth Extractions for Oral Health


People fear tooth extraction by dentists as one of the top things. Sometimes, tooth extraction may be the last resort for dentists, but it may be one of the most important procedures to maintain long-term oral health.

The wisdom tooth is the most commonly extracted tooth, with nearly 85% of people going for wisdom teeth extraction at some point. Interestingly, anthropologists have shared that wisdom teeth were crucial for early humans to help chew difficult-to-chew foods for survival.

Contrary to natural fears, tooth extractions are not as painful as they appear, thanks to the development in dentistry. This blog is about why dentists make tooth extraction decisions and why the procedure is good for oral health. You will also learn how to recover sooner from a tooth extraction with Charlotte, NC, dentists.

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What is Tooth Extraction?

Simply put, tooth extraction removes a tooth completely from its gum socket. It’s a short procedure that only an experienced periodontist, dentist, or oral surgeon must perform. Since it requires specialized dental tools, the procedure takes place in the dental office or hospital dental clinic. You may have visible teeth extracted or require a gum incision to remove not-so-easily accessible teeth.

When is Tooth Extraction Recommended?

Your dentist will advise you on tooth extraction in the event of tooth decay, crowding, or the need to create a place for a new tooth. You may also need to extract your tooth when considering braces or aligners to correct your alignment. 

You may require extraction when other dental procedures, like fillings and root canals, are not effective. Advanced periodontal disease can weaken the teeth’s strength and supporting structure, making extraction the only choice. Another major reason for tooth extraction is if you’re suffering from fractured teeth below the gums due to accidents.

The Pros of Teeth Extraction

Losing a natural tooth can be emotionally challenging. However, the outcomes of tooth extraction far outweigh the lows of losing one or more of your previous pearly whites. If you’ve been advised tooth extraction, read on to understand the benefits so you can keep smiling with confidence:

Sacrificing a tooth relieves pain

If you were to have one of your front visible teeth extracted, it’s natural to feel upset about it. However, with tooth extraction, you’re relieved of the unbearable pain that often accompanies a severely decayed or infected tooth. Your dentist will provide you with medications to help subside the temporary pain of tooth extraction.

Limiting Or Preventing The Spread Of Infection

When a tooth becomes decayed, bacteria spread quickly to other healthy teeth. Delaying the treatment of the infected tooth can cause problems for healthy teeth and even gums. Tooth extraction is suggested sooner to stop the spread of bacteria and cause more complex problems. So, timely extraction of an infected tooth can help save your healthy teeth from complications.

Better Teeth Alignment

When you want your dentist to work on your teeth’s alignment, one or more tooth extractions may be recommended. One tooth removal may be necessary to make some space for other teeth to move into the proper position. This can improve the appearance of your smile and enhance your bite.

 Avoiding Complications

Severely damaged or infected teeth can lead to various complications, such as affecting the bone and causing cysts or abscesses. By opting for tooth extraction in Charlotte, you can avoid these potential problems and protect your long-term oral health.

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Tooth Extraction Process In Brief

An expert dental surgeon may recommend tooth extraction for you. To make an informed decision, you must have a brief overview of the process. Following are the steps you’ll go through for a tooth extraction:

Initial Consultation

Your dentist is responsible for clearly explaining the procedure, the risks of delay, and its benefits. At Smile Charlotte, our dentists prioritize your well-being and value your relationship with us. Before the extraction, we will conduct an in-depth examination, including X-rays, to assess your tooth’s condition and a detailed bone structure. You’re free to ask questions and express any concerns.


Tooth extractions are nearly painless. An anesthetic agent is injected into the gum area where the problematic tooth is. The anesthesia numbs the part of the gums of the affected tooth, so there is no pain during extraction. Research from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research indicates that dental anxiety affects up to 20% of adults. Sedation in the form of nitrous oxide, intravenous, or a pill may be used in cases of dental anxiety or before complex extractions.


The dentist will use specialized tools, such as forceps, and gently rock the tooth to loosen it before pulling it out. Surgical extraction may be necessary in more complex cases, involving a small gum incision to access the tooth. If extracting the tooth in one go is challenging, your dentist may break the tooth into smaller pieces.

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In surgical extractions, stitches may be necessary to close the gum incision. These can be dissolvable or require removal after a few days. Your dentist will provide specific aftercare instructions for stitch care.

Gauze Application

A gauze pad helps control blood from the gums under the extracted tooth. By placing a gauze pad at the spot of the pulled tooth, you help form a blood clot. To promote clotting, you must bite down on the gauze for a period of time. This is a normal procedure that helps form the clot. Your dentist will instruct you on how long to keep it in place.

Post-extraction care and recovery

You may be prescribed painkillers or pain relievers to help manage post-tooth extraction pain. For the first couple of days, apply an ice pack from the outside to your jaw for a few minutes. You must avoid biting into hard foods and hot liquids. 


  • Tooth extraction of an infected tooth must not be delayed to stop the infection from reaching your healthy teeth
  • With a near-painless procedure, tooth extraction can immediately alleviate pain caused by problematic teeth
  • You can prevent future problems with a timely tooth extraction
  • Get your tooth extracted safely with decades of expertise at Smile Charlotte Dentistry in Charlotte NC