Does your smile need a remodel?

Did you know there are five distinct stages of tooth decay? Understanding how a cavity progresses can assist you in preventing each successive stage from occurring in your mouth.  Stage One: White Spots In stage one, the tooth begins to show signs of strain from the attack of sugars and acids, and white spots will...

How Drug Abuse Affects Dental Health

More than 570,000 people in North Carolina — or 6.3 percent of North Carolinians over age 12 — are living with a substance use disorder. September is National Recovery Month. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that, in 2014, 10.2 percent of Americans, ages 12 and older, reported some type of illicit substance abuse in the...

December 2-6 YES, we are open on Friday! Friday hours 7-2 December 9-13 YES, we are open on Friday! Friday hours 7-2 December 16-19 December 20-29 *CLOSED December 30-31 31st hours 7-2 January 1 *CLOSED *If you are a patient of record and have a true dental emergency, there will be a doctor on call....


Today, the WHO issued a statement advising against “routine” dental care during this pandemic. See the statement from the American Dental Association which correctly states the importance of your oral health. Avoiding routine care can and may lead to much more involve and invasive treatment, much of which can be prevented with routine care and...